Sunday, 19 May 2013

Day 19: Five of your favourite blogs and what you love about them (#BEDM).

Having only recently returned to the world of blogging, this one made me go ‘URK!’
But once I thought about it, it was pretty easy...

My better half blogs with more commitment, flair and humour than I do.  Mainly because he sits in an office twiddling his thumbs all day and has the luxury of time for these things. Truthfully, I haven’t read much. I used to read it, then stopped as it felt like snooping, but have kept up with his BEDM efforts. I plan to stop reading again in June, as it feels unreasonably invasive. But you still should.

Our friend in The North. Succinct and intractable, but always entertaining. An enjoyable read- though I would far sooner he blogged under the pseudonym ‘KnowItAllWithAHeartofGold.’ I rhapsodised about him sufficiently here to make me feel dirty, so I won’t do so again; merely direct you to his latest outpouring.

Someone I know but I don’t know. Someone I know on the internet, though I don’t feel I know too well yet, though we have met for real. Someone I know through others and watch with interest as they bang on at each other via twitter. For this reason I find his blog fascinating- You really do get a remarkable insight into someone’s character, even if you don’t know them as thoroughly as you might. Well worth a read, and a follow on twitter.

And now to my impersonal, but amazing blogs of preference:

Basically because it’s like my days, but put more amusingly than I could ever manage. Semi-regular updates from the lighter side of special education. Charming, illuminating, educational, inspirational AND honest. I heartily recommend.

And my absolutely number one favourite blog ever written:

Nothing on the internet has made me laugh like this. Sadly discontinued, but very meaningfully because the chapter about which the Silent Koala was writing came to an end and he moved on. You felt like you lived it with him. If you have any sense at all you will read the entire saga, starting from the beginning, and continue to the bitter, bitter end. It almost couldn’t be true, but you just know it is... for the inaugural address.

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