Thursday, 16 May 2013

Day 16: Something difficult about your “lot in life” and how you’re working to overcome it.


I’ve had an easy life. I am incredibly lucky and I’ve never had any excuse to complain about my lot in life.

Which is not to say I’ve not had to work hard. I’ve always worked super hard at everything, but academic stuff always came easily to me. I don’t find exams difficult, I don’t often find many things that difficult.

Sport maybe.

I end up walking into jobs, I don’t find interviews hard. I had a stable childhood throughout which I didn’t want for much and was pretty indulged at times. I was given a good education and a good start with school and university and travel and general experiences...

I guess dealing with being gay early on sort of qualifies as a bit of a lot in life. Something to cope with?

But I never really saw it like that. I knew early on, accepted it early on, and had kind of resigned myself to being alone forever by about 13, but not in a sad way. I had amazing friends and a really good life. Sex and relationships didn’t seem that big a deal then- so it never perturbed me that much. It was just a minor detail in an otherwise great life.

So no- I can’t think of much to complain about.

My parents divorce? A bit tricky at 13 or so, but totally the right thing for them to do.  And I was sheltered from the drama mostly. Not that there was much.  Completely the right thing for both of them to do, and 
everyone looks back and agrees.

Truthfully?  I *am* lucky. I win at everything. I’ve won every competition I’ve ever entered I think.

I’ve had a sort of ill-defined philosophy throughout my entire life along the lines of “Everything goes my way in the end.”

And it kind of does.  I always crash on okay. As an adult, I’ve defined it marginally more clearly as: “Oh, it’ll sort itself out. It always does.”

I guess that’s part of the reason I get irritated by people using parental divorce or gay teenage years as an excuse to be a bastard, under the pretext that they had such a hard start.  It’s never easy, but you don’t have to let it consume you.

Stay positive: Then just about everything goes your way...

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