Tuesday, 6 May 2014

BEDM14 - Day 6: A Letter

Day 6: A Letter

Dear Mr Carter,
Thank you for taking care of Mark on your trip. He really enjoyed himself and we were pleased that he managed to eat some of the food whilst you were away. Only some of his packed food was gone so he seems to have managed to eat some of the food there! Could you send us a picture of Mark from the trip, as he wasn’t able to take any.
Many thanks,


Three days, thirty autistic kids, no sleep, no time off in lieu – NO THANK YOU.

We gave up our own time, you see.  There is no extra pay for the fact you are essentially at work for 72 hours without a break. No “go home early” when you get back. No appreciation or gratitude at all, it seems.

I’m not surprised however. I’ve done quite a few of these adventure holidays now. ‘Residentials’ we call them. This must be my seventh or eighth. And you never really sleep, and you never get a break. You are on duty for the duration, as there is always someone crying or freaking out or whatever, even at 4am.

But you do it because it is good for the children. They need to learn to be away from home, and their parents are always grateful for some respite.

Just not grateful enough to actually say thank you.

Thirty kids, having the time of their lives (once the crying has stopped and they realise they won’t die without their mummy). Thirty kids, and one lousy thank you note.

Though that’s one more than I got last year. And one more than... 

You know?  I think this is the first parent who has ever said thank you.

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