Thursday, 1 May 2014

BEDM 2014 - Day One: What would be on your bucket list?

It’s kind of pitiable, but I kind of already keep a bucket list.  I have a little .txt file saved on my desktop with all the stuff I have to remember on it. It has a list of songs I want to download, but haven’t got round to, a reasonably up-to-date wish list (because when it comes to birthdays/Christmas, and people ask, I can never actually think of anything – so now I don’t have to), movies I want to see that aren’t out yet, and my bucket list.

It’s nothing complex; it’s very short. The items aren’t even particularly expensive, difficult to achieve or exciting. It’s just a list of stuff I’m trying not to forget to do before I die. It contains (currently) just four items.

1) Go Punting
This is pretty self explanatory. I want to go punting, with @superlative, down a river on a sunny day. Possibly wearing a straw boater. 

2) Airkix on a school day
I have no interest in skydiving.  Especially to raise money for charity – I’ve always thought it a really self-indulgent, expensive way of raising money as a flimsy pretext for doing something YOU want to do. The cost of the activity could be added to your donation if you raised the money by other means.

But I would like to do an indoor skydive -  one of those things with a massive fan, where you look like you’re flying.  But I want to do it in the week, off-season, when it’s cheaper, on a school day. I want to phone in sick, drive to Basingstoke or wherever it is, and go and do my indoor skydive whilst I’m getting paid.  I want to play hooky.  I want to play hooky and do something awesome whilst I do it.

3) Come Dine With Me
We once made a half-hearted effort to do alternating dinner parties with a group of friends. We took turns to cook and host, vaguely attempting to impress and show off with our culinary offerings, and vaguely attempting to score each host. This quickly degenerated into over-generous awarding of points, with no-one scoring below an 8, because HOW COULD YOU?  Your friends have spent time and money making you delicious food -  what kind of inhuman monster would award them a six after all that?

I want to do it in style. Four or five couples, take turns cooking, record as much as you can be bothered to record, and most importantly: secret filming of genuine, realistic, ruthless scoring; harsh if necessary.

It would be a hoot. Or I’d have no friends left. Maybe that.

4) Proper transformers cosplay/fancy dress.
If time and resources were no object, and I could devote sufficient effort to the enterprise:

This. Just this.

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